Personal Blog of Ryan Wiedmayer

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The Maverick

Senator John McCain

I join the nation in morning of Senator John McCain. Senator McCain was a courageous and principled leader on some of the greatest issues of our time -campaign finance reform, immigration, human rights, promotion of democracy, treatment of prisoners, national defense and deterrence of foreign aggression.

Senator McCain grew to become a man of compassion and humility. On one of his last speeches on the Senate floor, he personally reflected that "Sometimes, I’ve let my passion rule my reason." The most important moment occurred when the Senator reminded the assembled body, "Whether or not we are of the same party, we are not the President’s subordinates. We are his equal! As his responsibilities are onerous, many and powerful, so are ours."

Senator John McCain is a true American Patriot that served his country - A Hero by every definition of the word.

Rest In Peace.